
Showing posts from 2023

Annual GARS Club Meeting Set for 9am, January 13th at Silver City's Annex Building

This post is an invitation to our annual meeting scheduled for 9am on Saturday, January 13th at the Town of Silver City's Annex Building (located on the NW corner of Hudson and 12th St) in the 2nd Floor meeting room.    Also, please help support our continued efforts to maintain the GARS repeater on Black Peak by renewing your 2024 membership or if you are not a member of GARS, now is the time to join. GARS, Inc. has been registered as a Domestic Non-Profit since 2016. Please visit our homepage or click the link below and scroll down to the " Become a contributing member of Gila Amateur Radio Society " section for instructions on how to join or renew your membership online or send/mail a check.

Ham Radio For SHTF Communication | This Will Work When Everything Else Fails

  I have included this video for anyone who has been curious about amateur or ham radio. The presenter does a great job explaining what is possible in ham radio from the perspective of emergency communications in case the grid goes down. Good beginner information and simple explanations. Useful for finding out what amateur radio is capable of achieving.

The HF Renaissance in the US Army

I came across a video this morning and it is interesting and informative. Professor Col. Stephen Hamilton KJ5HY gives us a perspective of the relevance of modern HF radio communications for the military. Ham radio enthusiasts will appreciate the information he is sharing as well since he credits the ham radio community for continuing to advance HF communications technology and techniques. Worth a view.

Club Meeting Saturday August 19th 10am Town Annex Building

From Marc W5MTS:   Hi all - We'll be having an in-person GARS meeting on Saturday, August 19th starting at 1000 in the Silver City Town Annex meeting room. The meeting will begin with a special presentation by Dave Jorgensen, WD5COV, who participated in the recent Bouvet Island Dxpedition that encountered many weather challenges. Following that will be a very short business meeting.  Also a reminder that the monthly breakfast meeting will be held Saturday, July 29 at the Patio Restaurant in Hurley at 0900. 73, Marc, W5MTS

High Frequency Radio for High Frequency Traders - What Does This Mean?

Let's All Freak Out Over RM-11953, Shall We? Dave Casler KE0OG "Ask Dave" gives a great description of what the FCC's RM-11953 proposal and how it may work and affect our HF band allocations. It's worth watching his video. 73 de K5MGK

Never Too Old to Learn Ham Radio

 I ran across this video today and it resonated with me. I am one of those individuals that the YouTube Channel creator describes in his video. It's never too late to enjoy a new hobby! 73 de K5MGK Mark

Club Meeting Saturday 4/8/23 9am at Annex Building

From Marc W5MTS: Hi all - We will be having an in-person GARS meeting on Saturday, April 8 at the Silver City Town Annex upstairs meeting room starting at 0900. Steve London will present a session on contesting that we didn't get to in December. Following that, we will have a short business meeting. Hope to see you there. Marc, W5MTS

TommyKnocker 10 Photos and Time Lapse Clips

 04/01/2023: Taken by Mark K5MGK from station A at the Big Juniper Tree Trailhead:  

Google Earth Ham Repeaters (United States)

Free to download and use in Google Earth. Read more about this project on QRZ .

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo March 2023

  QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Will Return March 25-26, 2023   ​ Exhibition Opens and Presentations Begin Los Angeles (USA - California)  Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 08:00:00 PST  UTC-7 hours UTC (Time Zone)    Saturday, March 25th, 2023 at 15:00:00 UTC       2nd Day Exhibition Opens and Presentations Begin Los Angeles (USA - California)  Sunday, March 26th, 2023 at 08:00:00 PDT  UTC-7 hours UTC (Time Zone)                Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 15:00:00 UTC - 7 hours. The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo is the first and only on-line amateur radio convention, since August 2020. Click to register: Click to download vFairs mobile app for Android and iPhone: YouTube videos from past expos:  

Amateur Radio Club of Silver City and Southwest NM

Welcome to the club of amateur "ham" radio enthusiasts serving Southwest New Mexico. Our mountaintop K5GAR repeater has an extended coverage area well beyond Silver City, the mining communities, and Grant County. Mission Statement: "To further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the region. GARS, Inc.   11 Oakridge Dr, Silver City, NM. 88061-8852 E-mail: Our Long Range FM repeater, K5GAR is: 146.980 (-), tone 103.5 ​Our System Fusion C4FM/Analog FM repeater, K5MGK is: 448.05(-), no tone   GARS Message Forum: ​  ​ Upcoming events   GARS 2 Me...

Ham Radio Basics For Beginners

Various "How To" and Beginner Ham Radio Videos

Learning Ham Radio by N4HNH