Amateur Radio Club of Silver City and Southwest NM
Welcome to the club of amateur "ham" radio enthusiasts serving Southwest New Mexico. Our mountaintop K5GAR repeater has an extended coverage area well beyond Silver City, the mining communities, and Grant County.
Mission Statement:
"To further the exchange of information and cooperation between
members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual
operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as
to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the
GARS, Inc. 11 Oakridge Dr, Silver City, NM. 88061-8852 E-mail: Our Long Range FM repeater, K5GAR is: 146.980 (-), tone 103.5 Our System Fusion C4FM/Analog FM repeater, K5MGK is: 448.05(-), no tone |
Upcoming events
2 Meter Net meets every Sunday evening at 8:00 PM and on Thursday
evening at 8:00 PM. When in the Silver City, NM area, tune your
radio to 146.980(-) tone 103.5 and check in with Net Control.
Monthly Saturday Breakfast: Join us at The Patio Restaurant in Hurley at 9am on the last Saturday of each month. Guests are always welcome.
Become a contributing member of Gila Amateur Radio Society
- You may print out and fill out our old form and mail it with a check to:
Gila Amateur Radio Society, Inc. 11 Oakridge Dr, Silver City, NM. 88061-8852. - You
may pay an individual annual membership ($26.50) or family/household
annual membership ($32.00) online via PayPal*. Choose the appropriate
donate button below.
***Please provide a note while checking out through PayPal with your name, email and call sign and/or other members if submitting a family/household membership.***
*We're using PayPal's donation buttons below. They seem to be the best way to send/receive money for non-commercial entities like our club. The online membership rates are a little more to offset PayPal's fees.
$26.50 Individual Membership Donation Button:
$32.00 Household/Family Membership Donation Button:
If you have questions regarding paying for a membership, please contact Mark Karagas - K5MGK, Treasurer: Thanks for your financial support and we hope to hear you on the air!
If you would prefer to just make a donation to help offset expenses for the K5GAR repeater, use this donation button below:
Phil Tester NM5PT, winner of the GARS Logo Contest