FT8 is a Great Introduction to Fun HF Operating

Hi all, I wanted to post this in case some of our new technicians (or anyone else in our club) are curious what they can do with their newly acquired ham license beside talking on a handheld radio. FT8 is a "digital mode" (still an analog signal over-the-air but which a computer can encode/decode) that allows hams to make short, concise contacts with another ham halfway around the world (called DXing in hamspeak). Digital modes allow a ham to operate with a modest antenna and low power transceiver but still be able to have fun reaching all over the world. Even a technician with transmitting privileges on 10 meters can join in on the fun. We are currently in the highly active part of the 11 year solar cycle and this helps 10 meters become alive with great propagation! I have attached a screenshot of my activity on 10 meters just yesterday. The map shows all of the hams that were using and listening on FT8 with their computers and their computers sent periodic data over the int...