
Showing posts from April, 2023

Club Meeting Saturday 4/8/23 9am at Annex Building

From Marc W5MTS: Hi all - We will be having an in-person GARS meeting on Saturday, April 8 at the Silver City Town Annex upstairs meeting room starting at 0900. Steve London will present a session on contesting that we didn't get to in December. Following that, we will have a short business meeting. Hope to see you there. Marc, W5MTS

TommyKnocker 10 Photos and Time Lapse Clips

 04/01/2023: Taken by Mark K5MGK from station A at the Big Juniper Tree Trailhead:  

Ham Radio Basics For Beginners

Various "How To" and Beginner Ham Radio Videos

Learning Ham Radio by N4HNH